Thursday, January 10, 2008

Clearing My Head

The beginning of the week someone forwarded me an article from Harper's magazine written by Meredith Broussard. Ms. Broussard makes some fantastical assertions about food allergies. I have been so angry about the article and Ms. Broussard's interview on NPR's Leonard Lopate show that I can barely function. So this is my exercise in letting it go. Meredith Broussard is an idiot. My children's food allergies are real and the they are THAT serious. I am not paranoid.

I feel Rational Jenn expresses all I want to and more.


Jenn Casey said...

Hello! I just discovered your blog! Thanks for visiting mine--if you check back you'll see a link to an interview with a physician who counters many of Ms. Broussard's claims. It really cheered me up!

Angie McCullagh said...

I can't even read it. I know I will get too emotional. Based on what other's have said, she's an ignorant moron.

Walk a mile carrying our epi-pen.
